An unprecedented worldwide pandemic and ensuing lockdowns, together with supply chain disruptions, historic inflation, and geopolitical unrest, have all contributed to the astounding volatility of recent years. The inability to fully communicate to customers the value generated from a product or service is a typical problem that many businesses face. Customer perceptions or measurements of “value” can fail to account for all relevant elements. Businesses that wish to avoid having low sales and high turnover rates must develop their ability to track, measure, and communicate the value that their consumers receive.

It has never been more difficult for many business leaders and entrepreneurs to navigate this environment. Fortunately, new technological solutions are being developed in concert with these issues to support forward-thinking executives in positioning their firms to succeed in the tumultuous years to come.

Wireless value realization is one promising wireless technology that extends the common horizon of digital services for the customers. This article is about wireless value realization and its evolving impacts to the networking ecosystem. 

What is Wireless Value Realization?  

Applications and organizational change are what drive the realization of wireless value when enterprise network responsibilities change. The expansion of use cases that take advantage of continual improvements in wireless capabilities, from bandwidth and range to power consumption, is a new trend in wireless value realization. The variety of ways that next-generation wireless technology will soon provide new and improved services and lower capital costs are referred to as “wireless value realization” by Gartner. 

“Eighteen billion edge/IoT devices are already interested in connecting to enterprise infrastructure; wireless value realization is about seizing this potential and expanding it to new services and innovation”- Tim Zimmerman, VP Analyst at Gartner

The value generated by integrating wireless technology into a vast, interconnected ecosystem is still so new that we have only just begun to scrape the surface.

We’ll see wireless endpoints in the upcoming years that are well ahead of current endpoint communication capabilities in terms of their ability to sense, e-charge, locate, and monitor people and things. Wireless-value realization networks offer in-the-moment analytics and insights as well as the ability for systems to directly harvest network energy, which is another step toward optimizing the use of acquired data.

Benefits of Wireless Value Realization 

  • Self-service capabilities with automated infrastructure operations will improve the developer experience and productivity.
  • Unified network connectivity and security, offering a migration route for line of business (LoB), operational technology (OT), and information technology (IT) operations.
  • Numerous novel scenarios, including geographic location, energy harvesting/battery-free use, and sensing
  • Reduction of risk, cost optimization, connection compliance, and improved value propositions for customers and developers.

Why Wireless Is a Better Option? 

According to a recent study by the Gartner Group, the network interface card is the most expensive part of wireless LANs (WLANs), costing between $169 and $250 per device as opposed to an average of $80 for a 10Megabit to 100Megabit/second conventional network interface card. In general, access points cost between $1,000 and $4,000.

According to Gartner Group, revenue from wireless LANs will reach $487.5 million this year, up from $187.9 million two years ago. According to current Gartner forecasts, the overall market value of installed wireless LANs will be $35.8 billion in 2004.

Two main trends are driving the development of wireless technology. First, when wireless’s fundamental communication capacities advance, a significantly larger range of tasks are made possible than in the past. Second, wireless is developing characteristics that serve as a platform for digital innovation, going beyond mere connectivity.

Capabilities of Wireless Value Realization Networks 

Most of the wireless networking devices have following capabilities: 

Location Tracking: 

The majority of widely used wireless technologies can determine where connected endpoints are. One illustration of this technology is GPS. The most frequently faked geolocation technique on mobile devices is GPS, which is also the most widely utilised geolocation technology. The foundation of GPS geolocation is an orbiting network of communication satellites that continuously transmit their status, precise location, and accurate time.

Value Added Services:

A variety of value-added services, such as vehicle-to-vehicle communications, broadcast, multicast, and media-specific capabilities, are being added to technologies, including Wi-Fi and cellular, enabling new wireless use cases. These wireless technology enables the organization to deliver value added services to their customers which helps them earn goodwill. 


In particular, when propelled by cellular rollouts and the emergence of constellations of low earth orbit (LEO) satellites providing internet and IoT access to sparsely populated areas.

Radar Sensing

Microwave echo signals are converted into electrical signals by radar sensors, which are conversion tools. They identify the position, shape, motion characteristics, and motion trajectory of the object using wireless sensor technologies to detect motion. Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) radar is used by radar sensors to accurately find stationary or moving targets.

Future of Value Wireless Realization 

“Wireless technology can be used to detect the environment, deliver power where it was previously unavailable, find assets, and locate people who are in need of assistance, in addition to being a multi-technology medium. The movement of vital assets can be optimized or personnel can be monitored wirelessly to create a safer environment”- Zimmerman

The expansion of use cases that take advantage of continual improvements in wireless capabilities, from bandwidth and range to power consumption, is a new trend in wireless value realization. By 2025, 50% of workplace wireless endpoints, up from less than 15% today, are predicted to adopt networking services that offer features beyond communication.

New services and innovation can only be accessed through wireless. To provide connectivity, reliability, and services, organizations will need to embrace the many contexts and make use of a variety of wireless technologies. New features in sensing, location tracking, and even energy harvesting are included in the roadmaps for popular wireless technologies like 5G, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth, among others.

The possibilities of next-generation wireless will increase the potential for business disruption and offer new digital services that go beyond connectivity, such as sensing, application services, power supply, and integrated computing to a wide range of new settings and users. The combination of several wireless technologies will result in a technical basis that is more affordable, dependable, and scalable while also requiring less capital investment.